Latex or Acrylic (water-based) paint is not considered a hazardous material in the State of Hawai‘i. Latex or Acrylic (water-based) paints can be reused if it is still good quality.
There are various locations that accept donations and/or sell reusable latex paint.

- Kona Habitat for Humanity ReStore, (808) 331-8010 call first (businesses & households welcome)
- Waimea Reuse Center at the Waimea Recycling & Transfer Station
Open Daily 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Except New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Accepting usable latex paint for reuse at this location. From households only, no businesses.
Latex paint for sale at this location.
For more information call TS Thrift Store at (808) 498-8093. - Hale Aloha O Hilo Habitat for Humanity ReStore (Hilo), (808) 935-6677
Offers and accepts limited home construction items in good condition (new or “gently used”).
Limited pick-up service available. Call first.(businesses & households welcome) - Hilo Reuse Center at the Hilo Recycling & Transfer Station
Ho‘olaulima Rd. (before the Transfer Station, on makai side)
Open Daily 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Except New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Accepting usable latex paint for reuse at this location. From households only, no businesses.
Latex paint for sale at this location.
For more information call TS Thrift Store at (808) 498-7916. - Kea‘au Reuse Center at the Kea‘au Recycling &Transfer Station
16-921 Kea‘au-Pāhoa Rd., Kea‘au
Open Daily 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Except New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Latex Paint Reuse Center at this location (donate usable latex paint or buy what is available) Accepting from households only, no businesses.
For more information call TS Thrift Store at (808) 498-8726.
PaintCare (national non-profit organization representing paint producers) has developed many useful tips to help you “Paint Smarter“. Information on how to buy the proper amount for your painting project, storing paint properly to extend its life and tips on using up small amounts of leftover paint are available to “take the guesswork out of painting.”
If your latex or acrylic (water-based) paint is of poor quality and not reusable you must solidify it BEFORE including it with your regular rubbish.
To quickly solidify latex paint you can combine it with kitty litter or a paint solidifier (sold at hardware store). Or you can let it air-dry by removing the covering and solidify slowly in a well-ventilated area (away from kids & pets), or paint a piece of cardboard or junk wood and let it dry completely before disposal.
Empty paint cans or containers are rubbish.
Oil-based paint, varnish and stains are considered hazardous and should be disposed of properly. Landfill disposal is not allowed.
Businesses, non-profits and government agencies need to contact a hazmat company and contract for proper disposal of oil-based paints and stains. Go to the State of Hawai‘i Department of Health Solid & Hazardous Waste Branch’s website and look for the “Hazardous Waste Transporter” listing of hazardous materials management companies.
Households may bring a limited amount of oil-based paints, varnish or stains to the regular Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events, click on the link to the webpage for more information on these events. Transport it in labeled leak-proof containers, preferably the original containers with label. Businesses, non-profits and government agencies are prohibited by law from participating in these events.