Category: General Kalapana Transfer Station Adds Wednesday Hours of Operation

Kalapana Transfer Station Adds Wednesday Hours of Operation

All Day
July 17, 2024

Mayor Mitch Roth is pleased to announce that the Kalapana Transfer Station will now be open to provide a continuation of the same services to residents two days a week, an increase from the current one-day schedule. Beginning Wednesday, July 17, the transfer station will operate on Wednesdays and Saturdays during normal dump hours.

Mayor Roth's decision to extend the hours follows numerous community consultations and careful consideration of the needs and concerns expressed by residents. "We have heard the voices of our community loud and clear," said Mayor Roth. "After evaluating the situation, we determined this to be the best path forward that addresses manpower issues and feasibility while providing more options for our residents."

The Kalapana Transfer Station has been a valuable resource for residents, and this adjustment aims to improve accessibility and convenience. By opening the transfer station on an additional day, the County of Hawai'i continues to demonstrate its commitment to enhancing public services and meeting the needs of its citizens.

"We understand the importance of having reliable and accessible waste disposal options, and we are committed to making the necessary adjustments to better serve our community," Mayor Roth added. "This change is part of our ongoing efforts to listen to our residents and make improvements that positively impact their daily lives."

The new schedule will take effect starting July 17. The Kalapana Transfer Station will be open every Wednesday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Residents are encouraged to take advantage of these extended hours for their convenience.

For more information, please contact the County of Hawai'i Department of Environmental Management at (808) 961-8083 or visit our website at

Mayor Roth Announces Extended Hours For Kalapana Transfer Station Starting July 17, 2024 (Release June 19, 2024)

Kalapana Transfer Station
12-7660 Kalapana-Kapoho Beach Road
Kalapana, HI

Kalapana Transfer Station
12-7660 Kalapana-Kapoho Beach Road
Kalapana, HI

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