Category: General Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event - Hilo 2022-02-05

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event - Hilo 2022-02-05

February 5, 2022

Bring your own automotive fluids, chemicals and poisons and other hazardous household wastes to the Waiākea High School Student (upper) Parking Lot collection area (via W. Kāwili Street) on February 5th, 2022.  Business, farm, non-profit or government agency waste are NOT allowed by law.  Electronic waste (e-waste) and latex paint are also NOT allowed.  For full details on what materials are and are not accepted please visit our Household Hazardous Waste page.  Certain restrictions apply.

Please enter the Waiākea High School Student Parking Lot (B) area via Po‘okela Parkway (not at streetlight intersection) at the mauka (west) entrance (across street from UH Hilo parking lot).  Follow signage and security guards.

Physical Distancing Rules For Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Events

These rules are for your safety and the safety of the staff conducting these events.  Please kōkua and thank you for doing your part to keep these events safe for all participants.

  • Remain in your vehicle unless directed by authorized personnel.
  • Prior to arriving at the event, place your HHW items in your trunk or truck bed.  Make sure your trunk can be unlocked or opened remotely.  If you don’t have a trunk or truck bed, preferably place your materials in unlocked unoccupied backseat area.
  • NO Container Returns.  Due to infection transmission hazard all containers brought to the event will not be returned and should be disposable.  If you want to keep your container transfer the material into a safe disposable container prior to the event.
  • To minimize interactions, please label your HHW items (if possible) and make sure that your HHW items are easily distinguishable and separate from anything else in your trunk or truck bed.
  • Six (6) foot physical distancing is required.  Facial masks (cover nose & mouth) are required.
  • If you are feeling ill or showing symptoms of illness please consider postponing your participation in our event or designate someone else to drop off your materials.

Customers should pack their items in spill-proof containers and be careful when transporting them to the event.  When at the event please remain in your vehicle in line until authorized personnel come to unload your vehicle.  For your safety and the safety of those around you please do not walk your hazardous materials over to the authorized personnel in the restricted area, this precaution is to prevent accidents, prevent spillage and ensure fairness to those already waiting in line.  Do not drop off materials during non-event times as that is illegal dumping and violators will be prosecuted.  Mahalo for your kōkua.

Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication (including language interpreting) or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in this event should contact Chris at 961-8554 as soon as possible, but no later January 26, 2022.

Upcoming Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events Media Release - Hilo & Kealakehe 2022-01-28

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